


Damn, it’s a great day. Confession time: I made this skirt four years ago. Four! Ironically, the same can be said about the top. I recently went through my “to do” pile (you know the one, the one in the corner of your closet/drawer, the one you don’t even want to look at because all your past traumas resurface and you feel like a failure all over again) looking for something I could quickly finish to wear. This skirtĀ used to be finished but back in the day I executed very, very poor judgment over the hemming method and so it had to be redone, obviously. Instead of doing a blind hem, like I should have, I used iron-on hemming tape, but one that mysteriously dissolved in the washing machine. Soooooo I dragged it out of the corner of shame and completely pulled apart what remained of the hem tape,…