My package from Cotton On has arrived! I took this as an opportunity to group the two of my Cotton On-related purchases together, while blotting out the few things that I did buy but that I am terrible ashamed of and gives bargainers a bad name and also I want to return this item because of the shame I am currently feeling.
Right! With that settled, let’s get into the few cool little dealios I picked up from Cotton On over the last week.
Online Purchases
First on the agenda are these cute little sneakers that I bought from the online store:
They’re called “Plimsoles” (I can’t even fathom where that name came from to be honest), and you’ll find a whole range of them from the Cotton On “sister store” Rubi for a sweet $5!
Please don’t make me vouch for their quality—they’re five dollar shoes, guys. I have very high arches on my feet so they’re sensitive to flat soles and I will be getting some orthopedic insoles for these, but if you’re (enviably) like the twenty million other girls in this country who seem to be able to wear ballet flats without a hitch, then I’m sure that measure won’t be necessary for you!
To go with these numbers, I also bought myself some $2 socks that I always seem to want, but can never find for decent price, or at all, really.
Well, they definitely don’t go with the shoes, but I needed them anyways. Little sheer spotted ankle-socks to go with my Audrey—I mean Aldi—kitten heels, and some pretty pointelle socks to go with I’m not exactly sure just yet.
My initial reason for the online order was not to buy these items though, what a girl really really needs and can never get enough of, is pretty lace bras. This style is called the Cinderella Contour Bra, and as soon as I laid eyes on it, I knew I must have it. My mother taught me from long ago that a simple, potentially-not-entirely-accurate-but-still-pretty-worthwhile test for a good bra was the thickness (height) of the fabric between the cups. Avoid flimsy little adjoining strip between the cups. I follow this rule and it has never steered me wrong.
Sadly, that is not me. But with that bra, I am now one step closer to being like her.
There’s also a black and nude and hot pink (somewhere) variety on sale at Cotton On Body for $10. For such a beautiful bra, I felt no guilt in splurging.
Offline Purchases
True to my nature, I couldn’t stay away from the weekend sale that Cotton On had.. on. Much to my disappointment, not all their sale items were at 50%, because that should have logically made the socks $1, but there they were, still sitting there with smarmy looks on their faces on sale at $2 a pair. Can’t complain, but if I were a hardcore bargainer, I probably would have.
Something pretty cool that I did pick up was this pair of sunnies for $2.
They’re a nice style, I thought, with light peach stripes running across the frames. There’s no use in buying cheap sunnies that don’t suit you though, so I was there for about 15 minutes, running to and from the dressing room with sunglasses in my hands, and bags in my other hands, and my clutch in my other other hands, and it was a right mess, really, but I’m glad I made the effort. There were sunnies for both $5 and $2, but I was lucky that the ones that perfectly suited me cost the latter.
Just in time for the end of Summer, I’ll be sure to get some use out of them while it’s still absurdly hot, before the cooler months arrive (when the weather encourages slightly less complaining about how absurdly hot it is).
Another double-dollar sale item (well, items) that I snagged were these gorgeous, gorgeous caps.
For another $2 each. This style also comes in the colour black, but it didn’t suit my dark hair very nicely and I plan to wear a lot of neutral, natural colours this Winter, and black is something I’ll be trying to steer away from.
So those are the bargains I found at Cotton On! I know that this store doesn’t always bring the word “chic” to mind, but with just the right sort of purchases, you may just walk out, proud and frugal, and on your way to a glamorous outfit.