


Welcome to How-Tuesdays! Hur hur. Today we’ve taken our inspiration from the Cambridge Satchel Company’s neon line that everybody worth knowing is toting around. Neon is pretty hot right now, and while it’s difficult for me to envisage myself wearing a top or a pair of pants in this uber-saturated tone, I thought there was no harm in experimenting with a few neon accessories to brighten up my look! In addition to neon, the chevron pattern is also getting hit pretty hard on the runway right now, so what else could I do but combine these two trends into the one DIY? This project is definitely not for beginners and you need a steady hand for this one! (And good tape, dammit) Step One: Get your bag prepped and cleaned in anticipation for this project. Get rid of all the smudges with a little nail polish remover, but don’t rub…