Part Two
Ta-dah! This is the second part of yesterday’s tutorial, and this tutorial is for people following on from the last tutorial with their boots, or just newcomers who have an old pair of boots that they want to spruce up. This is a pretty cheap tutorial, the boots were $15, paint was $3, and the glitter and glue were both $2. Not much at all for a complete overhaul.
Step One: Take some form of tape and tape off the areas you don’t want painted. In this photo, I had used masking tape but since it was the same kind of tape I used on the DIY Louboutin Shoes (find them by clicking on “DIY” in the sidebar there!) and it didn’t hold up well at all so I switched it over to some stronger clear tape before I started painting. I also taped around the little heel thingy at the very bottom, I don’t know what it’s called. The acrylic paint I used is called “Gold Dorado” and you’ll want something fairly light with some flecks of sparkle already in it which is what I found.
Step Two: Start painting. You’ll need to do two or three coats for perfect coverage as you don’t want any black peeking out. I managed fine with two coats and I had just enough paint from the 75mL tube. If you went over the lines, you should be good, unless your boots aren’t black. If your boots are any lighter colour, please be careful where you’re painting because it’s going to be hard to fix up any mistakes. Please excuse the crappy Photoshop job I did on this photo–I forgot to take pictures of this step, argh!
Step Three: These are the ingredients you need for the whole project and what your boots should look like–even coverage, no black peeking through. The tools you won’t need for the next steps are the paint brushes and the paint. You’re done with those. For these next steps, you’ll need a strong craft glue, a packet of glitter (you can do this with any colour really, I’m just a gold girl all the way), and if you have one, a metal spatula. My mother is a beauty therapist (which is ironic in so many ways considering that I don’t wear makeup, ever) so she had one in her waxing kit.
Step Four: You have to do this fast because craft glue is very thick and gluggy and if you don’t spread it in time, you’re going to end up with chunks of glue on your boots. Squirt on a line of glue and spread it around section by section. While the glue is still wet, upend the packet of glitter on it the sticky patch. Doesn’t matter if you pile it on. Wait for about a minute, then shake the excess off onto the placemat you have underneath. Rinse and repeat. You’re eventually gonna empty the packet, so you’ll need the placemat to put the glitter back into the packet. My most effective method of getting excess glitter off is flicking the boot very hard with your finger. Don’t flick the glitter, flick the black part of the boot instead and the vibrations will spread around anyways (you’ll damage the glitter by flicking at it!). Look carefully for places you’ve missed and add some more glue and glitter for an even coverage. Clean the spatula every now and again. Craft glue is very sticky.
Step Five: When you’re sure there are no gaps letting the paint show through, seal with hairspray. Use a lot of hairspray, don’t be stingy! If you run your fingers over the boot and no glitter comes off, I reckon you’ll be okay, but I’m going to add an extra layer of glitter nailpolish over it just in case anyways. For longevity!
Step Six: There is no step six, just carefully peel the tape off, put them on (after the hairspray has dried lol) and STRUT! For any areas that you’ve gone over with paint, just use a sharpie and colour over the areas that aren’t meant to be gold.
This is a great idea and the end result is really fun!
Thanks Beccaann :) They’re definitely not something to wear to work, hehe.
God damn you’re creative! :) I LIKE IT! I don’t know how I stumbled across your site, but I can firmly say that I’ve spent too much this month due to you linking some nice shirts and accessories in ebay :)
Thanks, Kase!
Just watch out for your wallet, I’ll be linking plenty plenty more sweet eBay buys before this blog fizzles out, haha.
DIY queen. :O
You’re right, I love this even more. The gold glitter, pure win!
Haha, hardly a DIY queen; I made so many mistakes, I just make sure to omit those out of the tutorial :P
And I’m pleased to say that a day later, the glitter is still staying on! I’ve brushed my hand up against the glitter and nothing comes off thanks to the hairspray + nail polish.