What a silly name for a suburb. Who would have thought that it was actually pronounced “Indro-pilly”? Not me, no way!
Regardless of the silly name, the bargains I picked up from this place yesterday were absolutely far from silly. Well, in actual fact, to me they were ridiculous, but nothing to sneer at! I adore this shopping centre for three reasons—1. Target. 2. Kmart. 3. They’re both within walking distance of each other.
Embarking on some good-quality shopping with my favorite bargaining buddy Michael on Sunday proved to be very rewarding indeed. Kmart is having a sale on at the moment (when are they NOT?) and I initially stopped by the store to look at the racks labelled $3 that were sitting outside. I scored some pretty average gray shorts for this price, nothing fancy, but something to lounge around the house in and or go running.. basically something to wear that is never actually intended to be seen by humankind.
But this wasn’t the highlight of my day. The highlight of my day was finding the above dress in the children’s section. It’s the last one of its kind in this particular Kmart, so don’t think you’ll get lucky and find another one, because I have it!
I tried it on because I know my man Sam likes his florals, and the only instance in which I will actually wear them is if they’re gently imprinted onto a pair of denim shorts or contain a navy blue background (my favorite color of clothing—everything navy blue seems to just inherently suit me), and when I saw this dress, I knew I had picked a winner! The ticket said $8, which was a bargain in itself, though the original price of $15 wasn’t all that bad either.
When it scanned at the registers though, I couldn’t have been more surprised if a vat of custard had upended itself over my head when the price came down to $1.50. That’s a 90% discount from the original price.
It was like Christmas had come early. I was ecstatic, bouncing around like I had perfectly represented the demographic of those who would ordinarily be wearing that dress (it being a tiny girls’ size 12, which I was very thankful to fit into).
It is a bit short, but I pulled out a skirt I had bought a couple of years ago on sale at Ally for $10, and it now acts as a neat little petticoat for this dress that matches the lace detail on the front. With a belt that my mother gave me from a dress she had bought herself (quite an ugly thing, a short black dress with long sleeves and giant pink florals strewn across the fabric) for roughly $12 or so to cinch around my waist, I ran into a winner outfit.
I just threw this together from the top of my head so it’s not the best it could be; I’ll be experimenting with different belts and accessories, but it’s an idea of how to put it together and it’s not half bad.
Another thing that I spotted on my trip to Indooroopilly were the multitude of bags on sale at Target. Really, really, painfully good sales. There were wicker bags from $6, briefcase bags from $15, small clutches from $8, and a nice gem I stumbled upon was on sale down from $39.
A mini doctor’s bag! With this trend pouring in from the states right about now, just in time for Winter, I was surprised that it was on sale so quickly. From $39, it dropped down to a measly $12.82. So with three-quarters chopped off the price and Winter just around the corner, I would be silly not to invest in it. There were a few other doctor’s bags for the same price with an entirely different style, but I completely forgot to snap photos of them!
For anyone who will be within walking distance of Target within the next week, it is definitely worth popping in and checking out their selection of sale bags (and shoes!—But that also goes for Kmart, which has some very nice selections on sale at the moment in the shoe department).
If you don’t find any winners, it pays to shop around; Target Carindale had these bags for sale as well for the first “sale” price of $20 when I went on Saturday, while the Target in Queen Street Mall and Indooroopilly had the next price down.
My tip for the week is for-the-love-of-baby-Jesus go to Kmart as soon as you can and spend an hour in there in total and no less than 15 minutes of solid browsing in the girls’ section. Even plus-sized girls can benefit from shopping here, if just for the accessories alone!