(Note my seamless image editing. Those are bad-ass skills right there.)
This season, Target (next to my other favorite, Kmart) is a bargain hunter’s mecca. I am a bit late in posting these photos, but I checked a couple of days ago and the sales are still on, so this post is still valid! Hoorah!
From shoes at $5.46 to bags $9.83 and below, Target is definitely worth a look at the moment. I can’t guarantee that your bags will last forever and end up your best, lifelong companions, but they’ll last through the season and (depending on how good you treat them) probably beyond until you buy their fashionable replacements.
Today however, we’re going to be focusing on bags. Remember the doctor’s bag trend coming around? Target have you covered here, with canvas doctor’s bags, and pleather doctor’s bags (pictured in a previous post of mine). There are a few other bags available for nutty prices, but I’m not giving everything away. If you want to see their range, just check it out yourself!