It was acceptable at the time..
At least this morning, a photoshoot was looking like a good idea. Now, notsomuch. These were the best photos out of 140 over-exposed messes that I took this afternoon. But I have been wearing this outfit to death recently and out of all the pieces in my wardrobe, this deserved a spot on Carbon Chic the most! (For now, anyways)
Here’s the rundown:
Gold Choker – Equip, $5
White Heart Sunglasses – eBay, $1.50
Cut Out Dress in Colour Block – ASOS, $20 (used a coupon code!)
Black Patent Belt – Target, free with another dress
Orange Betty Box Bag – Dotti, gift
Burgundy Gold Bangle – Rubi, $2
Footless Tights – Woolworths, $2
Black Desert Boots – Target, $25 (on special)
Total: $55.50!
Not too shabby, huh? My nails are still painted with Ulta3’s light yellow “Spring Blossom” for $2 a bottle and as usual, I’m wearing the watch Mikey gave me for my last birthday (it goes with everything!). Colour blocking has been lots and lots of fun this season, but with the pastel trend slowly making its way over to Australia with a particular emphasis on mint, it looks like I’ll only have a few more weeks’ wear out of this dress! So sad!
On a positive note, my last assignment is tomorrow, which means more shopping and more outfit posts for you all. YAYY!!