I didn’t mean to let the tea get so cold. Many new and exciting experiences have hit my life hard and fast, and left me with barely enough time to think about it, let alone put them into words. To prevent this post from becoming the usual vichyssoise of verbiage that I’m so fondly known for (ha, ha), I’ll cut to the chase.
- I’m currently ensconced within a newly-budding relationship. (God it’s so time-consuming.) This is probably the most exciting of the news. You’ll probably see him around, he’s both a very fashionable and pliable guy with a penchant for posing in front of the camera. You may even find him behind the camera (he’s very helpful).
- I have taken up dancing as a new hobby (when I say new, I mean that it’s new to you, not me). This hobby brought about a much-needed jolt to my once-stagnant social life, and as a result, I’ve added about 20 guys and a couple girls on Facebook. I am literally swimming in testosterone right now. (It’s wonderful.) That, and party invites.
- I’m on the hunt again for the perfect career path that is worthy of my time and energy. I thrive in a busy environment, and I won’t rest until I’m bursting to the seams with design work. During the holidays, I’ll be revamping my portfolio website, taking on a few projects from some important clients, and hopefully updating Carbon Chic as well. While I love fun, illustrative designs, I really feel as though this blog could use a more modern look.
- I have a new outdoor tea area which will probably start featuring more often in my future blog posts.
I’m also going to stop adding writing etc to my first picture in my blog posts. I feel as though that takes more time than it’s worth and I have a price-check rundown in the post anyways. Speaking of which..
The rundown:
- Gold Choker – Equip, $5 (this necklace is totally starting to lose its colour from overuse, I am very, very sad)
- Lace Contrast Skater Dress – Dotti, $20
- Gold Tassle Belt – Forever New (outlet), $6
- Bow Metallic (Leather) Sandals – L&J Shoe Gallery, $25 (still my favorite pair of Summer sandals)
Total: $56
As usual, the gold bangle is a graduation present from my mother, the watch is a birthday present from Michael, and my natural red hair is a present from God (oh, how I wish this were true..). I like this outfit because the dress has an open back and I’m able to match it with my mint bow bag that I don’t get enough use out of (seriously considering selling that thing), but it’s definitely a date night dress, so I sadly don’t get to wear it too often! Working in sub-freezing temperatures usually means I resort to bringing Winter coats into the office in Summer, so a short dress with open back is out of the question, no matter how outrageous my everyday office style. If you see any outfits here that are particularly uncharacteristic of the current weather in Brisbane, that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it.
Anyways, that’s enough about my life, what has been going on for you guys recently? I feel like I’m so out of the blogger loop at the moment and it seems as though my favorite Aussie bloggers have all but stopped posting anymore (sad face).
That’s fine, I just wanted to know if you used a particular dye or not :) As an Indian, definitely familiar with henna!
I’m considering going to the BSH today for a haircut, thank you for your reply though!
Henna is the best! Would never use anything else :) I hope the haircut goes well!
Hi! I just happened across your site, and it made me so happy to read your posts. They’re funny, quirky and helpful too! I came here to read your review on the Brisbane School of Hairdressing, and I’m honestly considering going there for my next haircut, and possibly colour too.
I just wanted to know, is your hair colour natural? I absolutely love it, and am considering getting a shade darker myself. Also, do you know of anyone who’s gotten their hair coloured at BSH? Thanks in advance :) And good luck with everything!
Hi Anisha! Thank you so much, I’m glad to hear you like my blog :) My hair colour is definitely not natural (I’m actually sporting a fair amount of regrowth in these pictures by the looks of it) but I colour at home with something called Henna. It’s a lot nicer for your hair than hair dye, but my mother does it for me.
I really love the BSH but I’ve never had my hair coloured there and I don’t know anyone else who has! I wish I could help you further :(
Congrats on the new boy and hobby and everything! Perhaps I should take up dancing too…well, actually, I’ve always wanted to except never had the guts! What style of dance are you doing? Love the dress btw!
Oh gosh I can’t believe I missed this comment.. I’m doing modern jive, and it’s very fun! I procrastinated on it for two years or something and now that I’m finally going, I feel terrible that I wasted two years of saying no when I could have been having the time of my life :D