Hello again, readers! Sorry for the fortnight-long departure, I’ve been busy working hard and getting my craft on.

I just came back from Spotlight with a few bits and pieces to finish up my skirt here, including a clasp for the back (because invisible zips are beyond me) and a decorative button which I may or may not use. I have no patience for sewing button holes and they get in the way of my belts anyways.

Anyways, this is the final product you see before you! I found some really cheap fabric ($5 p/m from memory) at Spotlight and decided to do a draft skirt before I make a black jacquard one for work and this one didn’t turn out too bad so I thought I’d show it off to my readers. It features 4 belt loops, side pockets, sewn-in petticoat and a ridiculously complicated fastening at the back that I’ve hidden behind a pleat because, well, “invisible zips”–HA!

Things I’ve learned from this project:

  • Measure your darned actual waist, not the waist of one of your best-fitting skirts. That is why I now have 6 pleats in the front and 5 in the back.
  • Don’t sew on the belt-loops backwards.. don’t do that.
  • Make the pockets bigger and lower to compensate for gangly limbs.
  • Make a gathered petticoat underneath out of one piece of fabric–I wasn’t sure how to do one so now I have a patchwork petticoat. It’s invisible but it still annoys me.
  • Make the skirt 2 inches longer or 2 inches shorter, this is a frumpy length.
  • Six pleats are a lot of pleats. Four might be a bit easier.
  • Sew the zip in first and then make pleats.

I do love how this skirt turned out, but I think I’ll hem it once more and make it a little shorter. I hate mini skirts a lot and think girls look better wearing skirts that actually cover their bottoms but this is definitely a frumpy length on my figure.

I’ll be making the black skirt next and incorporate all of these details so that the construction will hopefully go smoother. I am a complete and utter novice when it comes to sewing, though, so it’s possible that I just need the practice.

I was thinking about documenting the steps and posting them up, would anyone actually be interested in reading an Idiot’s Guide to Box Pleated Skirts?


  1. Love the skirt, especially the belt loops you have added. It has come out well for a beginner, but the thing about mistakes is you can laugh aloud to them when you start comparing some of your good looking garments (I have a box of rejectees).

    I always love step by steps and would be interested in reading yours.


    • Demi

      Thanks! I wrote a step-by-step tutorial not too long ago actually, you’ll find it in my DIY section :)

  2. I love this! I found your site via Merrick’s post on a similar pleated skirt. I’m just getting into sewing and while this project is a bit too advanced for me, I think I will save it and hopefully try it one day! Thanks:)

    • Demi

      No worries! It’s really a lot easier than what it looks like, and I added a lot of things to complicate it quite a bit (the pockets and the invisible zip next to the pockets) but as a basic skirt with a simple zip and no pockets, it’s easy peasy. :)

    • Demi

      Thanks! I hope the black one turns out this good :)

    • Demi

      Thanks, Merrick! :) You were awesome inspiration.

  3. OMG love this so much. I have a similar skirt in an orchid colour from Cue which I’d love to duplicate. Unfortunately I haven’t sewn in a long while, but would be keen to see your how to!

    Super talented :)

    • Demi

      That skirt sounds lovely! I love that colour :)

      It’s super simple once you have the hang of it, it was just a little time-consuming figuring out the steps from scratch since I don’t have a pattern (it was all basically mathematics and logical progression). Looks like I’ll definitely be documenting my steps when I make the black skirt this weekend :)

    • Demi

      Thank you Vicki! Polka dots are my weakness <3

    • Demi

      Thanks, Kristy! :)I’ll see what I can come up with–no patterns necessary!

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