Forgetting that the slogan for the alcohol “Imperial Blue” is actually “Men Will Be Men”, this outfit makes me feel ridiculously girly.
I am totally in love with this dress, but now that I think about it, I think I prefer how it looked with a white belt, so I may swap that over the next time I wear this outfit. Nevermind! This is the perfect dress, I love everything about it. I love that it feels tailored to my body (if I gain 150g in my left breast, I will break this dress, seriously), I love the white scallops on the neckline, I love the sleeves, and I love the little buttons on the sleeves. I had to sew new buttons onto this dress because it was actually missing a button, but that was okay since I probably would have given it new ones anyways (it had silver ones and as you’re well aware, I’m sure, I’m a gold gal). ASOS also gave me a 10% discount for the missing button too, which just added to the all-around awesomeness of this dress. Max C is definitely going down as one of my favorite affordable brands, forevermore!
Another reason I love this dress comes directly from the mouths of babes, no less. While on one of my shopping trips wearing this very outfit, a little 6-year-old girl in Carindale couldn’t resist pulling away from mummy and stopping me to tell me that I “have the longest legs in the world” (and also that my dress was very pretty).
I was like.. oh my goodness small child, I don’t even have a response for how sweet you are. Although the best words I’d have for her would have been straight out of a Dr Seuss book:
“Well, in Whoville they say – that the Grinch’s small heart grew three sizes that day.”
Why, yes, I suppose my legs do feel rather long in this dress!
Rundown time!
Gold Deer/Fawn Necklace – eBay, $1 (Won in an auction ages ago.. one of my favorite necklaces, but surprisingly hard to find on eBay nowadays–the link goes to a silver version I found)
Max C Dress With Scallop Collar – ASOS, $25
Gold Bow Patent Belt – Forever New, $10 (Kind of regret having spent this much for a belt that squeezes me so hard around the waist = )
Sheer Black Tights – Target, 25c (I think these are the 25c ones.. I just recently bought 12c ones from the exact same place so my stockpile of black tights is getting larger!)
Hush Puppies Black Patent Oxford Heels – Myer, $25
Total: $61.25
The bag worn is one I bought from AliExpress, haggled down to $17 (currently listed at $21). I kind of felt bad haggling down a few bucks for it, but it was worth it. Improved my haggling skills and obtained the best bag ever. I ADORE this bag. It goes with a surprising amount of things in my closet, and it’s so well-made, sturdy and spacious, I love it. I first spotted this bag in an Asian boutique in the Myer Centre, but I so was not paying $40 for it, so I trawled listings on AliExpress to find it. This is the only exact listing on AliExpress, I was stoked that it was so cheap and practically bought it the instant I saw it (sans haggling of course). No regrets, yiss.
The shoes are another great buy from the Myer shoe department in the “75% off already reduced items” bin. They were something like $150 down to $100, and of course, when you take 75% off $100, what you get is some sweet, shiny babies for the price of a sandwich in the CBD (not even kidding). These are most definitely the most perfect shoes in the whole wide world.
Genuine patent leather? Check. Toe cap to make my foot look smaller? Check. Perfect heel height (not too tall, not too short)? Check. Lace-up? Check. All-day comfort? Check. DING DING DING, we have a winner! These will be a key staple in my work wardrobe, I can just feel it.
Man, I feel like I have some kind of elaborate story for every single one of my purchases–is that just me or do you people have stories to go with your purchases too?? I would love to hear an awesome purchase story, just to feel less like a crazy person so please, lay them on me.