


Shopping on AliExpress is one of my guilty pleasures as you’ll all probably know, but lately I’ve been getting an annoying amount of emails regarding this website and while I’d be happy to answer genuine questions that don’t require me to bust out LMGTFY, I get the feeling that people think it’s easier to get a detailed explanation from me rather than visiting the site for two seconds and figuring things out for themselves. So here’s a little FAQ to buying off AliExpress that I really hope will help future frugalistas: 1. Is the site trustworthy? How fast is the shipping? Pretend as though you were asking that question about eBay. Because AliExpress is China’s eBay, there is no possible way that I can provide a relevant answer that will encompass all sellers and all circumstances on AliExpress. It is like eBay. You look out for sellers that have good…