


         James’ 21st Cluedo-Themed Party! | Big brands selling cheap Chinese wares? Check | Started experimenting with my hair | In the stands during graduation! | Lining up outside with my best friend | Two degrees. Boo yeah. | Pretty pastel sandals from Wittner | Mary Janes from Jo Mercer! | Strappy red heels from Wittner again.. another pair of shoes not pictured. Omg. | The most expensive dress I’ve ever bought, legitimately. $50! | Sarah’s gingerbread house | Karlo’s Lego-Inspired birthday cake! You are just never prepared for life, are you?! I’ve had a busy couple of weeks since you’ve heard from me last. Since my graduation, I’ve kicked a minor shoe addiction (pun very intended) and put away some serious sweets during the holiday season. Know where I put them? You don’t want to know.. It’s no secret that I’ve been neglecting this blog in favor…