


Hugo is sick of my photography | 9-port powerboard, YESS | Delivery from Romwe, yay! | Clothing not so yay, boo! | River Island package! <3 | Taking classy selfies in the toilets. Lookbook post soon. | Nail polishes from The Heat Group! | Package from Target | Selfies at John’s 21st Birthday Party last night! Woo! I am so sorry for my absence this week, guys! You would have no idea how hectic my life has been in uni. I’m buckling down for my last two months in this degree and it’s probably the toughest round I’ve done. Sick of the repetitive subjects, sick of learning things I’ll never get use out of, sick of trying to understand foreign lecturers with accents so thick you can cut it with a knife. Speaking of knives, sick of cutting myself while doing bloody lino printing! I’ll be endeavoring to kick it…